Monday, June 16, 2008

Someday, Electricity Will Be Generated By Harnassing Cuteness Power

This isn't really Japan-related, but recently I "dragged" a group of friends along to a large zoo, and encountered this guy:

I've always had a fondness for aquatic mammals (the dolphin has switched between the number one and number two spot of favorite animals since I was about 7) but otters just really take the cake. I can't get over how adorable and clever they are. Sea otters, river otters... I can easily stand and watch them swim, just swim, back and forth and back and forth for hours. I'd also happily build them a habitat in my backyard when I'm an adult.

If you can manage it, I beg you to sponsor an animal or donate to a conservation program. Doesn't have to be from this zoo, or this animal, but if ya can... anything.

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